I've already talked (written) about the research study #Femininsight - part of the project I'm every WOMAN- some 3.000 Belgian women, aged between 15 and 75 years, were surveyed about their daily life (in February - May 2011). Besides sector-related information, we, marketeers at Sanoma Media Belgium, were also curious about the media consumption and media behavior of Belgian ladies.
My colleagues Trui Lanckriet and Marie Carranza were guest speakers at the last Media Session at the GRP about the evolution of media habits in Belgium. Their presentation will be available soon on the official website of the media sales house of Sanoma Media Belgium. I was really inspired by their presentation and wanted to add my personal touch to their analysis. So, I've focused on the use of social networks by Belgian women. THE HOT TOPIC nowadays.
With only 4% of Belgian women sharing information through blogs and fora - 2% on social networks - the easiest conclusion should be: Belgian women don't care. But that's just one side of the medal. Belgian women are digital ladies: 35% visits social networks daily and women with a profile on facebook even more: 22% checks it more than once a day. And nearly 1 out of 5 agrees with the fact that Internet helps to avoid ‘bad buys’. Discover more about Belgian women and social networks in the presentation below. Feel free to share and to spread the word. As usual, you can download this presentation on SlideShare .
The audience I try to reach through my blog is made out of people with a busy agenda. That's why I like the difficult exercise to put information in so-called Tweetable Truths, summarizing facts and figures in less than 140 characters. Right now, I'm just wondering about the ideal numbers of slides/truths. I guess, somewhere between 20 and 50. Let me know if I'm right.