Tuesday, March 19

Programmatic Selling for Publishers

Publishers can take an active role in maximizing return from their inventory while maintaining control over their data - by Jay Stevens, Senior Vice-President and General Manager, rubicon Project (UK) @ Digital Innovations' Summit

Making Paid Content Work

Matt Skibinski, Vice President of Affiliate relations, Press+ (USA), about how subscriptions to digital content can work @ Digital Innovators' Summit in Berlin

When magazines innovate

John Wilpers, Innovation Media Consulting Group (UK) and editor from Innovation Media Consulting presents the latest innovations in the magazine media world @ the Digital Innovation Summit in Berlin

Digital advertising in the POE age

Rebecca Lieb (@lieblink ), Analyst, Digital Advertising & Media, Altimeter Group on digital convergence and, I assume, the role of publishers. Not a lot of tweets found on this topic. Feel free to share if I have miss some important ones: @vansan2010

New York Times- challenging the paywall model

Paul Smurl about the digital and paid strategy of the New York Times @ The Digital Innovators'Summit Day 2 

The Atlantic @ Digital Innovators' Summit

@JBrainerdSmith about the challenges and opportunities for the The Atlantic in a media changing world. The selected contributions are from attendees at the Digital Innovators' Summit in Berlin. A big thank you to everyone involved in sharing and spreading the knowledge!

Monday, March 18

FIPP: Digital Innovators' Summit

Overview of all the tweets about the FIPP's Digital Innovators' Summit (#DISummit). Thanks to all the attendees that share inspiring content/quotes/ideas!