Friday, April 29

(When) The Consumer is the Messenger

"Accept that consumers can generate more messages than you ever could. Don't fight this wave of expression. Feed it with content that touches consumers'passion points like sports, music and popular culture"
Joe Tripodi, Chief Marketing & Commercial Officer Coca Cola
Coca-cola adopts new model  - WARC 29th April 2011 

Monday, April 25

First Spring Pics

Don't get confused by the Belgian weather these days... It's still spring. Time to leave hibernation and to enjoy the revival of nature in the beautiful Park of TervurenI'd like to translate a tweet I've read yesterday in Dutch @kanhetnogkorter:

Everything is in bloom and enjoyable in 3D thanks to free software from (Mother) Nature
Beautiful colors

Family trip

Is there something wrong with the neck?

Into the woods to enjoy this most spectacular wild flower display

A carpet of Bluebells