Tuesday, September 3

Media - the essentials

Quote of the day by Jeff Bezos (again, I know) - but sometimes, it seems like Media CEO and directors forget this essential two facts:
"The Post will have readers at its centerpiece. I’m skeptical of any mission that has advertisers at its centerpiece. Whatever the mission is, it has news at its heart"

Source: Jeff Bezos warns Washington Post must innovate its way to success

Thursday, August 29

Talking about creativity

The scale of an idea should no longer be measured by the size of the surface or the number of media channels it can cover. It should instead be measured by its longevity, ambition, and the impact it could have on society.

Rei Inamoto Chief Creative Officer at AKQA
Source: The End of Advertising As We Know It – And What To Do Now

Wednesday, August 7

Quand Jeff Bezos s'offre THE Post

La phrase du jour - à méditer

"Si les gens ne paient pas pour des médias indépendants qu’ils devraient lire, des intérêts privés paieront volontiers pour les médias qu’ils veulent que l’on lise"

Article (un peu trop?) alarmant sur le rachat du Washington Post par le CEO d'Amazon:

Des faits dérangeants sur le rachat du Washington Post par Jeff Bezos - ZDNet

Tuesday, March 19

Programmatic Selling for Publishers

Publishers can take an active role in maximizing return from their inventory while maintaining control over their data - by Jay Stevens, Senior Vice-President and General Manager, rubicon Project (UK) @ Digital Innovations' Summit

Making Paid Content Work

Matt Skibinski, Vice President of Affiliate relations, Press+ (USA), about how subscriptions to digital content can work @ Digital Innovators' Summit in Berlin

When magazines innovate

John Wilpers, Innovation Media Consulting Group (UK) and editor from Innovation Media Consulting presents the latest innovations in the magazine media world @ the Digital Innovation Summit in Berlin

Digital advertising in the POE age

Rebecca Lieb (@lieblink ), Analyst, Digital Advertising & Media, Altimeter Group on digital convergence and, I assume, the role of publishers. Not a lot of tweets found on this topic. Feel free to share if I have miss some important ones: @vansan2010

New York Times- challenging the paywall model

Paul Smurl about the digital and paid strategy of the New York Times @ The Digital Innovators'Summit Day 2 

The Atlantic @ Digital Innovators' Summit

@JBrainerdSmith about the challenges and opportunities for the The Atlantic in a media changing world. The selected contributions are from attendees at the Digital Innovators' Summit in Berlin. A big thank you to everyone involved in sharing and spreading the knowledge!

Monday, March 18

FIPP: Digital Innovators' Summit

Overview of all the tweets about the FIPP's Digital Innovators' Summit (#DISummit). Thanks to all the attendees that share inspiring content/quotes/ideas!